Review: TRS to Speakon Converter
TRS to Speakon Converter is a male Benon or TRS-to-Spike converter that is widely used in audio applications. Using this converter, in times when the speaker input port is of the female speaker type, by connecting this converter, different types of plugs or so-called trs can be connected to the speaker input port. Benon to SPICO SPON TRS conversion plug is very useful in rental and rental applications and for the use of recorders. This connector has been tested at a temperature of minus 30 degrees and positive 80 degrees Celsius and has a test report certificate from the laboratory (CTI) Center Testing International Group Co. Ltd. Benon to SPICO Soundco SP-TRS conversion plug is very high quality and has Italian technology and has succeeded in obtaining CE, RoHS and ISO9001 certification.